Projets réalisés

  • ''International Leaders Study Visit “STEP BY STEP''


    ''International Leaders Study Visit “STEP BY STEP'': German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ijgd Magdeburg, Germany'' - (Germany on December 2012, Egypt on February 2013 and Tunisia on March 2013).

    The program of the Study Visit is jointly organized by ijgd Magdeburg (Germany), IYDA (Egypt) and PADIL (Tunisia).

  • ''Serenity for Tomorrow''


    ''Serenity for Tomorrow'': Youth in Action, Association Civis in Sweden - (on September 2012).

    The aims for the project are to create a dialogue between young people and NGOs on the issues of youth influence and democracy. Methods used intercultural learning workshops, structured dialogue, value practices etc.

  • CREATIVE Production In Social Enterprises; for Migrants and Asylum seekers - (from November 2018 to October 2020).


    CREATIVE PRISMA project addresses the horizontal priority of social inclusion. It targets migrants and refugees or asylum seekers with the aim of training them until they acquire skills in the third sector (non-public, non-private sector).

  • Dare to Change!


    ''Dare to Change!'', by Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’Educazione e lo Sviluppo-CEIPES, in Palermo/Italy - (on July 2015).

    The objectives of the project are:

    i) To develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences in social entrepreneurship,

  • Dialogue among people cultures, through the UNESCO World cultural, natural and intangible Heritage


    Dialogue among people cultures, through the UNESCO World cultural, natural and intangible Heritage, by ERASMUS+ and Club for UNESCO of Piraeus & Islands (Greece) - (on February 2015).

    The project “U.W.H. Dialogue” is a cultural proposal that aims to bring together young people from different countries and to unite them in an intercultural collaboration.

  • Education through Sport

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    Education through Sport: by ERASMUS+, Mine Vaganti European Youth Group, Morocco - (on October 2014).

    Is a Training Course (TC) that will deal with the importance of the Sport as an educational tool for promoting social inclusion.

  • ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange ‘’Dangerous Intentions Project’’ 

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    Panoramic view of the Metline coast

    Dangerous Intentions Project – ERASMUS-YOUTH-EXCHANGE -2023-1NL02-KA152-YOU-00143918, Association PADIL and the Dutch World UP, at ''Centre des Stages et de Vacances à Chatt Mami-Metline'', the project's main aim is to raise awareness and create discussions through NFE methods (interactive workshops, role-playing simulations, acting, debating, teamwork, games, etc) about the different forms of violence against women, its differences between countries, consequences, and how to discuss the topic while supporting victims and survivors; (February 2024).

  • Fighting Gen(d)eralization in Mediterranean Basin

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    Fighting Gen(d)eralization in Mediterranean Basin'' Youth activity funded by Youth in Action Program, Grupp Universitarji Ghawdxin (GUG)-in Gozo, Malta - (on April 2014).

    Partner countries for this course are Malta, Turkey, Lebanon, Tunisia, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Jordan and Morocco.

  • Find oursel-EVS Training Course


    ‘’Find oursel-EVS'' Training Course: by EVS projects – Cazall Intercultural Lorca, Región de Murcia, Spain - (on October 2015).

    The project brought together 25 youth workers and EVS mentors from Egypt, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Armenia, Romania, Morocco, Italy, Jordan, Macedonia, Tunisia and Spain.



    “GET CLOSER!” Euromed Seminar for Youth Exchanges: by ''Associazione di promozione sociale-Joint'', in Genova/Italy - (on February 2015).

    From 14th to 20th of February in Genoa, has taken place the seminar “GET CLOSER” on the themes of Euromed Partnership building, Youth exchanges, Active participation.

  • La Nature de notre Metline entre les mains de ses Jeunes ''MetliNats'' : (Septembre 2022-Mars 2023).

    1.Installation de Conteneurs et Panneaux de sensibilisation

     Installation de Conteneurs et de Panneaux de sensibilisation

     Ce projet s'inscrit dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des activités du Projet « Bizerte EN-VIE - Engagement environnemental à Bizerte » lequel projet, a été financé par le Comité Européen pour la Formation et l'Agriculture (CEFA).

  • Learning programme “Youthful Europe”


    Learning program “Youthful Europe”: South Mediterranean edition; Training Course: Hammamet, Tunisia - (on April 2016).

    The learning program “Youthful Europe” is an initiative of the Austrian, German and Polish National Agencies for the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Program and the three regional SALTO Centers (SEE, EECA and Euro med) responding to a need to provide perspectives for addressing the European dimension in youth work and to promote the empowerment of young people taking an active role in envisaging future Europe.

  • Projet « STOP À LA TOXICITÉ AU TRAVAIL » : Ensemble nous pouvons créer une culture de travail saine en Tunisie


    L’Association PADIL en tant que partenaire d’appui pour les initiatives de changement et de renforcement des compétences relationnelles des tunisien(ne)s, vient de soutenir Mme Asma HASSOUNA, experte en techniques de communication, à travers le coaching théâtral, pour organiser le projet «STOP À LA TOXICITÉ AU TRAVAIL» qui vise à sensibiliser les tunisien(ne)s à l’importance des relations saines au travail à travers la communication.

  • SENSE “Social Entrepreneurship and Social Mediator youth Employability”


    SENSE “Social Entrepreneurship and Social Mediator youth Employability”, by Centro Studi e Iniziative Europeo-CESIE in Palermo/Italy - (on June 2015).

    Training course with participants from European Union and South Mediterranean partner countries.

  • SIMULATION GAMES in civil conflict management

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    SIMULATION GAMES in civil conflict management: German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CRISP a non-profit organization based in Berlin, Germany - (on July 2013).

    In the course of this project the participants from Greece, Tunisia and Egypt, discussed how they themselves are situated within the situation of youth unemployment and how they can participate actively in addressing and constructively talk about the issues.

  • Social Entrepreneurs for Mediterranean Communities-(SEMCO)

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    Social Entrepreneurs for Mediterranean Communities-(SEMCO): by Youth in Action Program, Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, Palerme-Italy - (on October 2014).

    SEMCO is an 8-day training course (TC) which aims to encourage social entrepreneurship in the Euro Mediterranean level.

  • Spring of Democracy-Active Youth Participation in Decision Making Processes


    '’Spring of Democracy-Active Youth Participation in Decision Making Processes’’ - (on May 2012):

    Youth Exchange 2007-2013, DE-31-106-2011-R5, Pewobe g GmbH, Federal State of Brandenburg in the East of Germany.

  • The City of Privilege Project - ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange


    THE CITY OF PRIVILEGE PROJECT - ERASMUS-YOUTH-EXCHANGE-MT01-KA152-YOU-000052159, Association PADIL and Malta Young Creative Group, at ''Centre des Stages et de Vacances à Chatt Mami-Metline'', the goal of this youth exchange project is to come up with ways to reduce social inequality; (February 2024).

  • The Mediterranean Academy for Youth


    The Mediterranean Academy for Youth “Youth Acts, Community Impacts”: Assilah, Morocco - (on August 2016).

    The Mediterranean Youth Forum has put in place a new concept which is specific to it to draw the utility of its existence and to make it a basis of the working strategy with which we conceive all our projects in the youth field;

  • TOOL FAIR IX Training Course

    TOOL 01

    TOOL FAIR IX Training Course: by ERASMUS+, National Agency for Community Programs in the Field of Education a Vocational Training from Romania - (on November 2014).

    “Tool Fair IX” focused on transferability and tools adaptation in different sectors and offers the opportunity to active people in the education fields, training and youth, as well as companies, public authorities, civil society active organizations in different socio-economic sectors to cooperate in order to share, transfer innovative educational tools to high quality teaching, training, learning and youth work.

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