
ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange - Dangerous Intentions Project

00.Buse Korkmaz Turkiye

ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange - Dangerous Intentions Project - 2023-1-NL02-KA152-YOU-0002439918


Violence Against Women (VAW) and gender inequality are highly important issues that need to be talked about in Europe and beyond. The goal of this youth exchange is to help young people reflect on how these social issues play a role in their own lives, and in different parts of the world, re-evaluate their own stereotypes and exchange learning and ideas.

The project's main aim is to raise awareness and create discussions through NFE methods (interactive workshops, role-playing simulations, acting, debating, teamwork, games, etc) about the different forms of violence against women, its differences between countries, consequences, and how to discuss the topic while supporting victims and survivors.

Activities will include:

  1. Exploration (based on discussion) of gender equality and Violence Against Women for each country;
  2. Personal reflection on the topic of VAW, and experience of gender inequality;
  3. World Cafe talks to learn about different ideas and experiences about VAW and gender inequality;
  4. Searching for solutions through theater workshops;
  5. Exploring media’s influence on violence against women;
  6. Creation of social media campaigns/products/videos to spread what the youth explored during the YE.


The following OBJECTIVES have been set to help meet the project's core objective:

  1. Encouraging conversations regarding issues such as violence, gender equality, and gender stereotypes;
  2. Creating an opportunity for young people to discuss the role of VAW in their own lives, and become allies;
  3. Creating a learning process through interactive activities (role-playing simulations, acting, debating, teamwork, games, etc);
  4. Exploring the situation of VAW within all participating countries;
  5. Exploring the media’s role in covering VAW;
  6. Promoting Europe's Common Values and Objectives through the topic;
  7. Spreading the project's message across the participating countries.


5 participants aged 22 to 30 (40 overall) will be delegated from each country (Italy, France, Morocco, Algeria, Netherlands, Türkiye, Lithuania and Tunisia).

The selected participants will have to be interested in the topic issue and willing to learn more about it and be motivated to communicate and share their experience with others.

Agreement of Financial Transfer and Service Facilitation:

The Financial Transfer and Service Facilitation Agreement between the Dutch association (World Up) and the Association PADIL was officially signed on January 10, 2024. The initial transfer of 1,016.38 EUR, the subsequent transfer of 1,046.62 EUR, and the final payment of 4,796.21 EUR have all been successfully processed and released.

This is done to I) organize the Preparatory Visit to the Centre des Stages et de Vacances à Chatt Mami, from January 5 to 8, 2024, and II) arrange the exchange program within the same center from February 14 to 24, 2024.


Photos illustrating the discernment of gifts to participants in the Preparatory Visit (January 5 to 08, 2024) of the Dangerous Intentions project

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