
YouthProAktiv latest news & upcoming activities

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 Dear members,

We are delighted to share exciting news regarding YouthProAktiv's (PADIL Partner) current initiatives this month.

First and foremost, YouthProAktiv has just launched its campaign on Instagram, titled “Your vote. Your EU.” This campaign aims to showcase the impactful work of young changemakers in recent months.

It will feature inspiring stories from young leaders, detailing their journeys, challenges overcome, and significant changes initiated. The campaign will also present infographics on the dynamics of the European Parliament, illustrating the daily impact of our votes, profiles of entrepreneurial MEP candidates, and a call to action for young voters.

Furthermore, to enhance communication and keep you updated on our activities, YouthProAktiv has introduced a new WhatsApp broadcast channel. This channel will serve as your primary source of information for all our online and physical events in Brussels. We encourage you to join this WhatsApp channel to stay connected.

Thank you for being active members of the YouthProAktiv community. We rely on your ongoing commitment to support these initiatives.


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Nous vous remercions pour votre intérêt à l'Association PADIL. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question relative à nos partenariats, à nos programmes d'action, à nos opportunités de bénévolat ou pour planifier une rencontre.


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