• Youth Exchange “A Tune of Peace”


    Youth Exchange “A Tune of Peace”: Municipality of Uri (Cagliari), Italy - (on August 2016).

    This project aims at empowering participants to actively make a difference in dealing with the challenging undertaking of the worldwide situation where violence occurs in a big amount nowadays, the School has decided to celebrate the peace and the solidarity among youngsters with an ambitious youth mobility project in Italy.

  • Youth Policy and Youth Work in Euro Mediterranean Area

    wordle policy

    Youth Policy and Youth Work in Euro Mediterranean Area'': SALTO-YOUTH Euro Med and RCBS, Italian National Agency of Youth in Action Program - (on November 2013).

    This conference on Youth Policy and Youth Work in Euro Mediterranean wants to be an opportunity to focus on the research dimension, promote dialogue among NGOS, researchers, institution.

  • Zoom sur les Jardins secrets : Société civile - Tunisie

    Gardons le fil


    Depuis le début de la crise sanitaire liée à la propagation du COVID-19 et au confinement mis en place afin d’éviter la propagation du virus, la société civile tunisienne s’est fortement mobilisée, en ces temps durs et exceptionnels, afin de venir en aide aux populations démunies face à cette situation inédite.

    En voici quelques exemples que nous saluons et soutenons particulièrement !

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