
  • The SeheMe project!

    The SeheMe project!

    See Her Me Project

    The motivation for SeHeMe project derived from the difficulties, which young migrants and refugees face during their attempt to get integrated into the society of the host country. According to Eurostat, from 2015 to 2018, 1.9 million people received international protection in the EU, either as refugees or as beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, or received a humanitarian residence permit. More than 80% were below the age of 34. Many of those granted asylum are young people. They are likely to stay and settle in the EU.

  • The SeheMe project!

    The SeheMe project!

    See Her Me Project

    The motivation for SeHeMe project derived from the difficulties, which young migrants and refugees face during their attempt to get integrated into the society of the host country. According to Eurostat, from 2015 to 2018, 1.9 million people received international protection in the EU, either as refugees or as beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, or received a humanitarian residence permit. More than 80% were below the age of 34. Many of those granted asylum are young people. They are likely to stay and settle in the EU.

  • The SeHeMe project!

    The SeheMe project!

    See Her Me Project

    The motivation for SeHeMe project derived from the difficulties, which young migrants and refugees face during their attempt to get integrated into the society of the host country. According to Eurostat, from 2015 to 2018, 1.9 million people received international protection in the EU, either as refugees or as beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, or received a humanitarian residence permit. More than 80% were below the age of 34. Many of those granted asylum are young people. They are likely to stay and settle in the EU.

  • Through a migrant’s eye: SeHeMe Project Case Studies in Tunisia

    Bizerte mobile bridge Tunisia 053c5212 

     Bizerte mobile bridge - Tunisia


    We are pleased to announce the publication of the 2nd article, entitled “Through a migrant’s eye: SeHeMe Project Case Studies in Tunisia”, on the SEE ME, HEAR ME Project website, written by Inès Mansouri , from PADIL

  • Tunisia SeHeMe Newsletter 2 (Juin 2023)

    SeHeMe Newsletter.AR page 0001

    C'est avec enthousiasme que nous vous dévoilons la plus récente mise à jour concernant le projet SEHEME (Juin 2023).

  • Tunisia SeHeMe Newsletter 2 (Juin 2023)

    SeHeMe Newsletter.AR page 0001

    C'est avec enthousiasme que nous vous dévoilons la plus récente mise à jour concernant le projet SEHEME (Juin 2023).

  • Tunisie: Centre El Ouardia, des personnes migrantes privées de leur liberté sans garanties judiciaires



    Centre El Ouardia, des personnes migrantes privées de leur liberté sans garanties judiciaires

     Communiqué (Tunis le 30 avril 2020),

    Sous l’appellation officielle et neutre de « Centre d’Accueil et d’Orientation », le centre de El Ouardia est bel est bien un centre de rétention pour personnes migrantes, bien que son statut juridique soit pour le moins incertain.

  • Un appel public de sélection d’entrepreneurs – BESTMEDGRAPE

    en bestmedgrape 

    Le projet BESTMEDGRAPE lance un appel public de sélection d’entrepreneurs pour l’incubation et le transfert de connaissances scientifiques et technologiques pour la création de start-ups / PMEs dans les domaines de la valorisation du raisin et de l’exploitation de ses sous-produits.

  • WORKSHOP for Civil Society Organisations Strengthening Capacities of CSOs in the Southern Mediterranean; Tunis-Tunisia, 19-21 October 2016


    The Civil Society Facility (CSF) south (ENPI/2012/304-556) hereby announces the launch of a “Call for Application” forStrengthening Organizational Capacities of Partner Civil Society Organizations in the Southern Mediterranean.



    La CA’ASI organise un concours d’architecture pour mettre en lumière la vitalité de la jeune architecture africaine.

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