Youth Exchange

  • Call for Participants: Youth Exchange Program in Tunisia

    Centre Chatt Mami

    Centre des Stages et des Vacances CHATT MAMI

    ERASMUS+ YE- The City of Privilege 02-10 February 2024

  • ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange - Dangerous Intentions Project

    00.Buse Korkmaz Turkiye

    ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange - Dangerous Intentions Project - 2023-1-NL02-KA152-YOU-0002439918


    Violence Against Women (VAW) and gender inequality are highly important issues that need to be talked about in Europe and beyond. The goal of this youth exchange is to help young people reflect on how these social issues play a role in their own lives, and in different parts of the world, re-evaluate their own stereotypes and exchange learning and ideas.

  • ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange – The City of Privilege Project

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    The problem of social inequality is one that needs to be addressed across Europe. Inequality is still a major issue across Europe, according to an OECD report on the continent's socioeconomic divide. This project aims to increase youth awareness, understanding, and reflection on privilege and social inequality.

  • ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange ‘’Dangerous Intentions Project’’ 

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    Panoramic view of the Metline coast

    Dangerous Intentions Project – ERASMUS-YOUTH-EXCHANGE -2023-1NL02-KA152-YOU-00143918, Association PADIL and the Dutch World UP, at ''Centre des Stages et de Vacances à Chatt Mami-Metline'', the project's main aim is to raise awareness and create discussions through NFE methods (interactive workshops, role-playing simulations, acting, debating, teamwork, games, etc) about the different forms of violence against women, its differences between countries, consequences, and how to discuss the topic while supporting victims and survivors; (February 2024).

  • The City of Privilege Project - ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange


    THE CITY OF PRIVILEGE PROJECT - ERASMUS-YOUTH-EXCHANGE-MT01-KA152-YOU-000052159, Association PADIL and Malta Young Creative Group, at ''Centre des Stages et de Vacances à Chatt Mami-Metline'', the goal of this youth exchange project is to come up with ways to reduce social inequality; (February 2024).

  • Youth Exchange “A Tune of Peace”


    Youth Exchange “A Tune of Peace”: Municipality of Uri (Cagliari), Italy - (on August 2016).

    This project aims at empowering participants to actively make a difference in dealing with the challenging undertaking of the worldwide situation where violence occurs in a big amount nowadays, the School has decided to celebrate the peace and the solidarity among youngsters with an ambitious youth mobility project in Italy.

  • YouthProAktiv latest news & upcoming activities

    Logo padil YPA

     Dear members,

    We are delighted to share exciting news regarding YouthProAktiv's (PADIL Partner) current initiatives this month.

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