
CREATIVE Production In Social Enterprises; for Migrants and Asylum seekers - (from November 2018 to October 2020).


CREATIVE PRISMA project addresses the horizontal priority of social inclusion. It targets migrants and refugees or asylum seekers with the aim of training them until they acquire skills in the third sector (non-public, non-private sector).

The theme proposed is training in social entrepreneurship in the fields of fashion and creative industries.

As social enterprises have targets and missions related to non-commercial purposes, they can be a friendlier, more sustainable and accessible solution to find a job for vulnerable social groups, in a period of economic crisis.

The creative industry helps migrants, asylum seekers or refugees to maintain the cultural identity of their homeland, while it gives them a passport for inclusion in the host society.

Working in these organizations will not only bring them income, but it will also help to tackle discrimination, segregation or marginalization and prejudices as well as foster intercultural dialogue.



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