
ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange ‘’Dangerous Intentions Project’’ 

IMG 20240218 144311

Panoramic view of the Metline coast

Dangerous Intentions Project – ERASMUS-YOUTH-EXCHANGE -2023-1NL02-KA152-YOU-00143918, Association PADIL and the Dutch World UP, at ''Centre des Stages et de Vacances à Chatt Mami-Metline'', the project's main aim is to raise awareness and create discussions through NFE methods (interactive workshops, role-playing simulations, acting, debating, teamwork, games, etc) about the different forms of violence against women, its differences between countries, consequences, and how to discuss the topic while supporting victims and survivors; (February 2024).


The initial budget allocation for the PADIL Association is approximately 20 147,000 TND. The funds were disbursed in three tranches: the first tranche of 387,000 TND, the second tranche of 3 400,000 TND, and the third tranche of 15 973,000 TND upon maturity.


Six (6) participants per country aged 22 to 30 (43 in total) represented the following countries (Italy, France, Morocco, Netherlands, Türkiye, Lithuania and Tunisia).

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