
SeHeMe Project’s ‘Home & Away’ Online Magazine: Empowering Migrants Through Stories and Solutions

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The “Home & Away” online magazine of the SeHeMe project (project’s number: 2022-1-PT02-KA220-YOU-000087351) for migrants has been finalised! This is a result of a collaborative teamwork that started in December 2023 among all six partners and of course of the migrants from partners’ countries, who contributed to its development.

Overview of the SeHeMe ‘Home & Away’ Online Magazine

The leading partner of this deliverable is Defoin from Spain. Like Defoin, also COFAC from Portugal, Eurospeak from Ireland, PADIL from Tunisia, RESET from Cyprus and E-School from Greece contacted young migrants in order to explore the challenges they face during their integration process in the society of the host country. The structure of the “Home & Away” online magazine was based on what migrants addressed as major obstacles and issues. Moving a step forward, the “Home & Away” online magazine provides practical advice and solutions to those problems. Not only is the migrants’ voice heard, but it is also empowered through meaningful dialogue and societal transformation.

Collaborative Efforts Behind the Magazine’s Creation

Migrants share their experiences on topics such as discrimination, culture, opportunities, homesickness, family and friends and of course integration and work. The aim of this sharing of experiences is to help other migrants facilitate their social inclusion. “Sharing is caring” as they say and that also applies to stories.

Key Topics Covered in the ‘Home & Away’ Online Magazine

Through storytelling, migrants narrate their personal stories and foster empathy between them and the broader community. Some migrants wrote articles, while others preferred to be interviewed for the “Home & Away” online magazine, and some narrated their stories. For example, Defoin found 2 migrants: Scarlett Obando, who developed an article on: “What do you look for when you migrate?” and Sofía Zambrano Ortega who wrote an article about the “Systemic discrimination in Spain”, while COFAC, Eurospeak, PADIL and RESET interviewed many migrants coming from different countries.

Explore the Stories of Migrants: Challenges and Successes

  • Summing up, if you want to know why SeHeMe’s “Home & Away” online magazine is not just a simple magazine, read the introduction developed by PADIL on page 1.
  • If you would like to know what “Vatapá” is and listen to its song, then check the section: “Food: the expression of a culture” developed by COFAC on page 32 of the “Home & Away” online magazine.
  • If you are interested in “Immigrants, refugees & asylum seekers in Europe” then go to page 74 and read about it under the topic “Integration & Work” developed by E-School. “Migration and loneliness, on page 58, is another issue highlighted by RESET under the topic: “Homesickness, Family and Friends”.
  • Eurospeak also focused on the “Opportunities young migrants can have or can find in the host society” under the topic of Opportunities that can be found on page 43.
  • COFAC emphasised “Games as a way to explore cultural differences and similarities” on page 28.


All in all, having read the above suggestions, are you curious to read more? Then click here to explore the “Home & Away” online magazine at your own pace! Feel free to visit the project’s website here if you would like to know more about the project.

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