
  • ''Serenity for Tomorrow''


    ''Serenity for Tomorrow'': Youth in Action, Association Civis in Sweden - (on September 2012).

    The aims for the project are to create a dialogue between young people and NGOs on the issues of youth influence and democracy. Methods used intercultural learning workshops, structured dialogue, value practices etc.

  • Call for Participants: Youth Exchange Program in Tunisia

    Centre Chatt Mami

    Centre des Stages et des Vacances CHATT MAMI

    ERASMUS+ YE- The City of Privilege 02-10 February 2024

  • Discover Newsletter 3 of the SEE ME, HEAR ME Project

    4.2nd TPM Madrid Spain 16.11.2023

    The 2nd TPM in Madrid, Spain, on November 16, 2023


    Dear friends and partners,

    We are thrilled to announce the long-awaited release of our Newsletter 3, dedicated to sharing updates, successes, and impactful moments from the SEE ME, HEAR ME Project. This latest edition is filled with exclusive information that highlights our ongoing commitment to inclusion, innovation, and social change.

  • ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange - Dangerous Intentions Project

    00.Buse Korkmaz Turkiye

    ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange - Dangerous Intentions Project - 2023-1-NL02-KA152-YOU-0002439918


    Violence Against Women (VAW) and gender inequality are highly important issues that need to be talked about in Europe and beyond. The goal of this youth exchange is to help young people reflect on how these social issues play a role in their own lives, and in different parts of the world, re-evaluate their own stereotypes and exchange learning and ideas.

  • ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange – The City of Privilege Project

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    The problem of social inequality is one that needs to be addressed across Europe. Inequality is still a major issue across Europe, according to an OECD report on the continent's socioeconomic divide. This project aims to increase youth awareness, understanding, and reflection on privilege and social inequality.

  • Find oursel-EVS Training Course


    ‘’Find oursel-EVS'' Training Course: by EVS projects – Cazall Intercultural Lorca, Región de Murcia, Spain - (on October 2015).

    The project brought together 25 youth workers and EVS mentors from Egypt, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Armenia, Romania, Morocco, Italy, Jordan, Macedonia, Tunisia and Spain.



    “GET CLOSER!” Euromed Seminar for Youth Exchanges: by ''Associazione di promozione sociale-Joint'', in Genova/Italy - (on February 2015).

    From 14th to 20th of February in Genoa, has taken place the seminar “GET CLOSER” on the themes of Euromed Partnership building, Youth exchanges, Active participation.

  • Interreg #NEXT MED : first call for proposals; we Are Ready To Partner !


     Are you applying for Interreg #NEXT MED ?
    Let's build a strong, solid, and winning proposal.

  • Navigating the Shores of Hope: Migrants and the SeHeMe Project in Tunisia

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    We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest article, entitled “Navigating the shores of hope: migrants and the SeHeMe project in Tunisia”, on the SEE ME, HEAR ME Project website, written by Inès Mansouri , from PADIL

  • SeHeMe - Foreign language for Media Literacy e-course

    e learning platform development 1024x682

    The SeHeMe E-Learning Platform

    Dear friends and partners,

    We are pleased to announce that the online courses for the SeHeMe Project are now ready and accessible!

  • SeHeMe Project : Release of the 'First Advertising Report' : 01/11/2022 – 01/11/2023


    Participants pose with their certificates, Lisbon_1stTPM-23-24.01.2023

    Dear partners,

    We are pleased to announce the release of the 'First Advertising Report of the SeHeMe Project,' covering the period from January 11, 2022, to January 11, 2023. This compelling document provides a detailed overview of the achievements, challenges overcome, and exciting future prospects of the project.

  • SeHeMe Project Case Studies 

    See Her Me Project


    A case study proves to be a relevant research approach for gaining concrete, contextualized, and in-depth knowledge about a specific real-world subject. It provides the opportunity to explore in detail the features, meanings, and key implications related to the studied case.

  • SeHeMe Project Online Meeting : 23rd of February 2024


    English language acquisition by migrants in Ireland

    English language acquisition by migrants in Ireland

    Partners of the SeHeMe project met online on the 23rd of February 2024 to discuss the project’s progress. Eurospeak is currently proofreading SeHeMe’s case studies, and soon we will have its final version.

  • The SeHeMe Project in Tunisia: National Magazine Coverage

    National Magazine Coverage

    We are pleased to announce the publication of the 4th article, entitled “The SeHeMe Project in Tunisia: National Magazine Coverage - 7 March, 2023”, on the SEE ME, HEAR ME Project website, SEE ME, HEAR ME Project website, written by Inès Mansouri , from PADIL.

  • Youth Policy and Youth Work in Euro Mediterranean Area

    wordle policy

    Youth Policy and Youth Work in Euro Mediterranean Area'': SALTO-YOUTH Euro Med and RCBS, Italian National Agency of Youth in Action Program - (on November 2013).

    This conference on Youth Policy and Youth Work in Euro Mediterranean wants to be an opportunity to focus on the research dimension, promote dialogue among NGOS, researchers, institution.

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Nous vous remercions pour votre intérêt à l'Association PADIL. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question relative à nos partenariats, à nos programmes d'action, à nos opportunités de bénévolat ou pour planifier une rencontre.


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