

SeHeMe - Foreign language for Media Literacy e-course

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The SeHeMe E-Learning Platform

Dear friends and partners,

We are pleased to announce that the online courses for the SeHeMe Project are now ready and accessible!


SEE ME, HEAR ME Project : Discover SeHeMe Online Magazine AR

1.SeHeMe Online Magazine AR

SeHeMe Online Magazine Arabic

Dear friends and partners,

We are delighted to announce the publication of ''SeHeMe Online Magazine Arabic''. This edition continues our commitment to providing insightful and engaging content to our community.


Discover Newsletter 4 of the SEE ME, HEAR ME Project


 SeHeMe Online Meeting


Dear friends and partners,

We are delighted to announce the publication of the fourth edition of the SeHeMe Project newsletter (May 2024). This edition continues our commitment to providing insightful and engaging content to our community.


The SEHEME Case Studies Booklet !

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We are delighted to announce the publication of the SEHEME Case Study Booklet, which includes 14 successful stories of migrants or refugees under 30 years old, the third ongoing activity within the framework of Work package (WP2) of the SEHEME project.


"The SeHeMe Home & Away Online Magazine: Empowering Migrant Voices"


Dear Partners,

We are delighted to announce the launch of “SeHeMe Home & Away Online Magazine: Empowering Migrant Voices”, a platform dedicated to celebrating the diverse experiences, talents and stories of migrants around the world.


SeHeMe Project Online Meeting : 23rd of February 2024


English language acquisition by migrants in Ireland

English language acquisition by migrants in Ireland

Partners of the SeHeMe project met online on the 23rd of February 2024 to discuss the project’s progress. Eurospeak is currently proofreading SeHeMe’s case studies, and soon we will have its final version.

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Nous vous remercions pour votre intérêt à l'Association PADIL. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question relative à nos partenariats, à nos programmes d'action, à nos opportunités de bénévolat ou pour planifier une rencontre.


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