15-10-2024 Actualités

Exchange of Best Practices on Non-Formal Education…

  Dear members, We are pleased to inform you of PADIL's participation in an exchange of best practices on non-formal education activities, organized by YouthProAktiv on October 2nd. During this event (webinaire), we had the opportunity to present our CULTAV-METLINE Project.

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À propos de nous

PADIL est une organisation à but non lucratif qui travaille en collaboration avec des acteurs locaux pour soutenir le développement durable et inclusif des communautés locales.

Leur approche consiste à promouvoir des initiatives locales innovantes et durables qui répondent aux besoins des communautés en renforçant les capacités des acteurs locaux, en facilitant l'accès aux ressources et en favorisant la collaboration et l'innovation.

Ils sont engagés dans des projets dans des domaines tels que l'agriculture durable, la gestion des ressources naturelles, l'éducation, la santé et la création d'emplois pour les jeunes.

Partenaires locaux

Partenaires internationaux

CINEMA2MEDIA Project: Films Selection



As part of the implementation of WP 2 (Selection of a pool of films focused on democracy to promote peace, conflict resolution, gender justice, inclusion, communication, and the environment), the PADIL Association organized two information and training sessions. The objective was to introduce a research tool aimed at young people and their respective organizations, to collect data on potential films and documentaries addressing democracy in the Euromed region.
The first session, held online via Zoom on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, brought together about fifteen young participants. The second session, organized with the support of the DHAJJA Association, took place at the BeArt Cultural Center in Bizerte on Thursday, May 16, 2024, and welcomed the remaining selected young participants.
The young participants were invited to propose at least twenty films or documentaries, forming the pool for Tunisia, to be presented within the framework of the CINEMA2MEDIA project partnership, in accordance with the criteria defined in the presented tool.

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